Saturday lunch so often means soup in our house. Prior to every supermarket trip I’ll do a sweep of the fridge bottom drawers and see what can be used up in a soup for lunch or maybe a curry that night. Leaving a nice clear space for the fresh new ingredients I’m about to stock…
Cheese and potato pie
How I loved school dinners. Before they were privatised that is. Old style school dinners, before they started serving food on prison style plastic moulded trays. I believe kids are more likely to eat proper meals when they’re served on proper plates. It disgusted me when in around 1990, Walsall’s local education authority contracted out…
Left over beef bolognaise
Using minced beef in pasta sauce is a staple dish for many of us – but there’s no need to limit yourself making minced beef dishes with packs of ready minced beef. I had two cooked flash fry steaks left over plus one cold lonely beef burger off the barbecue. Come supper time I chucked…
Huevos rancheros
I foxed my husband on Saturday. He said “what’s for lunch” and I replied in an enthusiastic faux Spanish accent, huevos rancheros. My husband doesn’t speak Spanish, nor for that matter do I.